Your Guide to Guide

Your Guide to Guide

Are you searching for a break from the monotony of everyday life, or contemplating a career in conservation or ecotourism? Yearning for an experience that will etch a lifelong memory? Feeling a pull towards the untamed wilderness, a curiosity to unlock the mysteries of nature and wildlife?

Start Your Journey

But terms like FGASA, Cathsseta, Apprentice Field Guide, Apprentice Trails Guide, Safari Guide, Professional Field Guide, Mentor hours, and encounters seem like indecipherable jargon? Do all these guide courses and the large amount of training providers feel confusing and difficult to decipher?

Fear not, we're committed to guiding you in finding the perfect course that aligns seamlessly with your dreams and goals.

At Guide-to-Guide, we strive to provide a thorough rundown of the myriad of guide courses available. We're prepared to tackle your inquiries and soothe your doubts, assisting you in locating the guide training that's your perfect match. Whether you're pondering a career intermission abroad or fantasizing about becoming a guide, we're here to navigate you on the right path.

With a decade of experience offering guide and conservation courses, our Natucate team has provided support to numerous students and clients in their journey to find the ideal course that caters to their aspirations and necessities. Trust us to help guide you in your quest.

It is crucial to emphasize that international individuals cannot work as Field Guides or Trails guides in South Africa unless they are registered with the National Department of Tourism (NDT). This registration necessitates having a valid South African Professional Drivers Permit (PrDP) and a work permit. Failure to comply with this legal requirement constitutes a violation of the law. Please contact us if you need more information.

Start Your Journey